
Vision of the Future + Keen F.O.C.U.S in the Present

Thought Leaders | Workshop Facilitators | Keynote Speaker | Published Authors | Change Agents

NextProgression is based on the belief that priorities and intentional growth matter. Definition of purpose  is the first step to reach the summit and we can benefit from an eagle’s eye perspective that “the outside voice” offers.  NextProgression by T.E.A.M Outlaw inspires organizations and the people within to climb the performance mountain through a shared purpose, connected by the cable tow of core values.  Organizations achieve new summits with stakeholders engaged in the process striving for innovation and excellence, continuously charting progress and always asking two key questions; “What can I do to Make A Difference” and “What’s Next?”

T.E.A.M Outlaw’s expertise is on the people business facilitating thought stimulation for Leadership, Leading Change and Climbing Stronger Together.  Passionate in speaking to the heart of people, we create awareness that catalyzes people to be Inspired2Act in the functional roles to achieve success and fulfillment individually and collectively for…

The NextProgression!

It all lies in the P.O.W.E.R of C.H.O.I.C.E with Purposeful Leadership

Life is symbolic of a mountain.

We must continually climb and make progress in order to reach the top...and there's always another peak to aspire to.

As the climb progresses through purpose and priorities,

momentum flow will reveal at higher elevations

Never Stop Climbing!




Kandy Dobbs Outlaw

Exceptional Partner | Master Facilitator

Exceptional Partner | Business Strategist


We are...

Totally Engaged And Motivated

Make A Difference

  • High Impact Facilitators 
  • Published Authors
  • Dynamic Speakers
  • Growth Podcasters
  • Inspired2Act
  • Purposeful Leadership C.O.A.C.H
  • Performance Strategists  
  • Connecting People to Process
  • Transforming Culture.


Exceptional Partner | Master Facilitator


Kandy Dobbs Outlaw

Exceptional Partner | Business Strategist

We are...

Totally Engaged And Motivated

Make A Difference

  • High Impact Facilitators 
  • Published Authors
  • Dynamic Speakers
  • Growth Podcasters
  • Inspired2Act
  • Purposeful Leadership C.O.A.C.H
  • Performance Strategists  
  • Connecting People to Process
  • Transforming Culture.

T.E.A.M Outlaw provides leadership and performance insights, strategies and tools that helps organizations and individuals unleash their full potential and make a positive difference in the world. We partner with our clients to deliver customized solutions that inspire, engage, and transform people at all levels. Whether it’s through training, speaking, coaching, or online resources, we help our clients cultivate their leadership voice, nurture engaged relationships, build effective habits, and achieve desired performance results. We believe that when people embrace change as an individual, work together as a whole team, and act as a plural one, the NextProgression becomes a way of life, personally and professionally.




It’s Your C.H.O.I.C.E To Climb


Reach out and connect

Let’s connect to chat about your needs for clarity, progress, culture, and transformation to Lead Change! Be Empowered – Personally or Professionally; Individually and as
a whole team.
We stay ready to Make A Difference.


Read below what our clients have said about us:

Welcome to NextProgression