
Let’s talk about perseverance.  We are in the Spring and approaching the Summer season and our minds can start to drift.  We are not finished yet.  We still must keep climbing and making progress up the “Performance Mountain.”

Perseverance is a product of seeing Your circumstances from a winner’s perspective. Persevering during tough and challenging times is an emotion that all servant leaders must endure and overcome.  Perseverance is a powerful emotion that must be exercised and developed.  We have no need to fret because our stakeholder(s) are there to help. There are times when the pressures at Your work opportunity pour over You like the constant pelting of golf ball size hail. You are bruised; beat up and unsure of Yourself. The nick picking of people make You feel like You are about to be nibbled to death by ducks. Nothing seems to be going right so You begin to conclude that You need to quit.  Don’t quit, because in any instant the circumstance can change. 

Developing trusting relationships with Your stakeholder is imperative.  We must have each other’s BACK, particularly in tough times. We persevere when we have confidence in the relationship(s). It is easy for our eyesight to become preoccupied with challenges. Our immediate issues can overwhelm us, if we allow them that unhealthy level of influence. Replace unproductive thoughts with productive time having meaningful collaboration with Your stakeholder(s).  N.O.W is the time to tap into Your Mental Toughness to persevere and achieve what’s expected from You by You. Remember, You have been given the P.O.W.E.R of C.H.O.I.C.E.  Make sure Your C.H.O.I.C.E.s align with both Your family core values and those of Your organizations’. So, with steadfast determination, don’t slow down N.O.W, keep believing in Yourself, keep climbing and keep making progress.  We still have valuable time left.

Make the G.R.I.N.D Stronger than Excuses©

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